The Bonny Method of Guided
Imagery & Music
Imagine a therapeutic experience that combines the beauty of music, the magic of dreams and your unique life experience. Imagine finding creative, practical solutions to your deepest challenges. Imagine delighting yourself with the images that come up and looking forward to therapy in a way that you never have before. This is the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music.
The Bonny Method (GIM) is a music-assisted transformational therapy that offers the opportunity to integrate your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects. It is truly a client-centered therapy. In an extended session of up to two hours, you and I discuss your current life situation including current relevant events and personal history, set intentions for our work together and establish a focus to start the session. After reclining and following a guided relaxation, you turn your attention to listening to carefully selected music, allowing it to become a vehicle for exploring deeper states of consciousness.
Now I understand what a rich person I am inside.Lindsay M., after a guided imagery & music sessionYou verbally describe your images as they come and are guided through the session, encouraged to deepen your experiences. The images may include visual pictures, emotions, memories or physical sensations reflective of your unique life’s journey and relationships. Trans-personal or archetypal images may also occur.

Most of the music used in GIM is classical music. Many of the music programs were put together by Helen L. Bonny, Ph.D., noted music therapist, psychologist and founder of GIM. Music is chosen for each session based on your check-in and focus for the day. I also use several music & imagery adaptations which can provide focus on just one issue or objective. The possibilities are infinite. Your imagination has no limits and working creatively engages the whole person immediately.
A series of 6 sessions can often be enough to work through immediate issues or GIM can be interspersed with verbal sessions whenever it seems right.
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